A few days have passed since we have provided information and stories about Guatemala. Really, we are still trying to settle in and adjust to our newfound environment.
Our first priority was to settle in our new dwelling. The apartment that we are residing is very quaint, but sufficient for our time in Guatemala. When we first moved to New Orleans, the seminary provided us housing in a hotel room. The place was very small and it didn’t even have a full fridge or stove. Before then, we were living in a two-bedroom house in Citronelle. That was one of the hardest transitions that we have ever experienced. Thankfully, God used that occurrence to prepare us for future transitions. We are grateful that our apartment in Guatemala at least has a fully furnished kitchen! The apartment is in a large house that has been converted to an apartment complex. The house has a beautiful garden courtyard in the interior, and a beautiful terrace with a view of the mountains. The staff that works at the house has taken to Cadence like she is their own. Our only complaint is that it cost $3.50 per load of laundry. There is a Guatemala saying for this, “Ay, Ay, Ay!”
One of our favorite areas in the adjustment process is the task of buying fresh produce from the markets. We both love fresh fruits and vegetables, but they are so expensive in the United States. In Guatemala, you can buy produce for a third of the cost. The markets are saturated with multihued varieties of fruits and vegetables. The colors are beyond fabulous as the tables are neatly organized based on the type of produce. So far, we have bought limes, peaches, apples, strawberries, avocadoes, green onions, garlic, onions, potatoes, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, and carrots collectively for about eight or ten dollars. The fruit and vegetables are absolutely remarkable.
Sunday, we took a small mental break from all of the adjustments and went to Pastor Max’s church in Pastores. The service was amazing and encouraging! I wish that every Christian had the experience to observe and worship with people from another country that are passionate about their relationship with Christ. Pastor Max preached a sermon on Christians focusing on Christ, and not on things of this world. He used 2 Timothy 2:4, John 17:17, and Colossians 2:6 as focal verses for the morning. People were genuinely happy to praise God, passionate in their prayers, and broken before the Lord. I am thankful for Pastor Max and his compassionate heart for the physical and spiritual broken people of Guatemala.
Yesterday marked the first day of our language school. Currently, this is our greatest need and hindrance for adjusting to life in Guatemala. We have a great Spanish tutor that comes to our home for four hours and teaches each of us two hours apiece. Our prayer is that our minds can become a sponge and absorb everything that she is teaching.
We want to thank everyone who is supporting us and praying for us everyday. In the last update I informed you of the vehicle situation. Yesterday, I found another vehicle that was significantly cheaper than the prior vehicle. Tomorrow, we are going to look at the vehicle in greater detail. We are hoping that everything will be fine so we can have transportation. We are ready to go out and minister to the village where the church will be planted. We are slowly growing impatient daily, but we are aware that it is necessary to learn language and settle first. Our goal is still to Live. Love. Go. We pray that your goal will be the same. Daily live in a relationship with Christ, love God and others, and go share his story with all.
Here are a few things that we would love for you to pray for:
*Vehicle situation
*Adjusting and settling
*Absorb, retain and apply the Spanish lessons
*Represent Christ in the way that we live everyday in Guatemala
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